Services Analysis of Existing Program Loss history and projections Utilization reviews Current programs and coverages Carrier's service capabilities Client’s objectives settings Program Desing and Selection Identify Clients Objectives and Needs Tender Process through local or international markets Policy digest and comparison charts Carriers interview and analysis Final carrier selection Program Desing and Selection Identify Clients Objectives and Needs Tender Process through local or international markets Policy digest and comparison charts Carriers interview and analysis Final carrier selection Program Implementation Policy wording analysis Exclusion and limitation analysis Risk management process Employee benefits enrollment Communications and Certificates Prevention & Promotion (P&P) Implementations of P&P programs Wellness program In-House medical facilities Quality control analysis Data and statistic Prevention & Promotion (P&P) Implementations of P&P programs Wellness program In-House medical facilities Quality control analysis Data and statistic Ongoing Services Billing process Monthly collection service Pre-authorizations of services Enrollment process Claims support and negotiation Renewal Process Loss ratio analysis Review client’s needs and expectations Identify reasons in case of a rate increases Initiate bidding process, if needed Final recommendations for the renewal Renewal Process Loss ratio analysis Review client’s needs and expectations Identify reasons in case of a rate increases Initiate bidding process, if needed Final recommendations for the renewal