Third party liability Third party property loss death or injuries of a third party
Franco Fernandez & Asociados will get an adjuster or lawyer assigned by the insurance provider to work the claim.
If the third party is in the hospital, the insurance provider can arrange for their representative to meet you there and obtain a medical report of the severity of the case to then try and receive a signed disclaimer of liability in exchange of reasonable monetary compensation or the payment of all medical expenses.
In case of the death of a third party, the insurance provider may choose to contact the family and try to get to a compensation agreement for damages and prejudice, and as a result, a signed disclaimer of liability for the insured person.
After the adjuster or lawyer is involved, the insured or their legal representatives cannot get involved independently in the open negotiations, but they must handle situations that come up together with the adjuster or lawyer assigned by the insurance provider.
The third party must show the documents, solicited by the adjuster or lawyer, where they demonstrate the incurred damages to their property and the costs of repair or replacement.
Keep in mind that if there were to be any balance due in your account, the insurance company might take the action of applying the amount of the compensation or a part of it into the pending balance, independently of any payment agreement that may be installed.
Once all solicited support documentation is delivered, the insurance company will try to reach a compensation agreement with the third party.
Caribe Asistencia
Oficina: 809-540-5403 o 809-735-3500
Desde el interior: 1-200-2407
Casa del Conductor Santo Domingo
Oficina: 809-381-2424 Ext. 230
Emergencia: 809-735-3530
Fax: 809-563-6851
Cuerpo de Bomberos
Cuerpo de Bomberos de Guerra
Tel.: 809-526-5189
Servicios de Ambulancia
Movimed: 809-532-0000
Romed: 809-412-5555